About Us
Vanila Vending, one of the leading suppliers and service
provider of Public vending machines based in Sharjah, started its UAE operations in 2013.
With our finger licking taste and unmatched services we attained a reputed position in the
market within a short span of time. We are serving 50,000 users daily as our tag line “ We
Serve… You Deserve…”
Today, the company has emerged as the leader in vending industry due to its focus on to the
high quality products and professional service by our dedicated operational and technical
Vanila Vending provides customized vending options to our customers as per their choice.
Fully automated Vending machines with payment system are user friendly to accommodate the
options provided by our end users.
Vanila Vending primarily into the vending of Food and Beverages. Our Tea and coffee are
appreciated for natural leaves, taste and rich aroma. However, with our dedicated focus on
innovation and our market expertise, we also specialize in customizing vending machines
according to customer requirements to dispense their products.
We provide premium quality beverages and snacks vending solution to our Valuable customers
which includes Govt Sectors, Airports, Hospitals, Seaports, Residential Buildings and Labor
Camps Etc…
So, whether you’re looking for a food and beverages just provide the space , we are there in
your door step for your needs…! at any public places like… offices, Schools, Factory & Camps